International Minimum Industry Safety Training (IMIST)
The oil & gas industry operates in some of the most dangerous environments in the world. Hazards are expected in this setting and must be controlled.
Improvements in technology, workforce involvement, infrastructure care and rig operations have led to recent reductions in injuries and incidents but, it is recognised, more still needs to be done. It is believed that improved base line safety training is likely to improve the situation by ensuring that all personnel have the necessary safety awareness and basic skills training to recognise and avoid risk.
The OPITO International Minimum Industry Safety Training (IMIST) is highly recommended for all inexperienced employees in the Oil & Gas Industry.
The OPITO International Minimum Industry Safety Training (IMIST) is one on-line Course delivered in English by Regional Air Services on behalf of ATLAS.
Delegates successfully completing OPITO approved training and/or assessment events are registered by OPITO into the Vantage database, the validity of Certificate is 4 years.
Target Group for the IMIST
This introductory safety training programme is designed to introduce the fundamental safety elements of the oil & gas industry to new starts, giving an appreciation of the potential hazards and controls that might be encountered by personnel.
Delegate pre-requisites for the BOSIET
No prerequisites are required.
Aim of the IMIST
The aim of the IMIST programme is to introduce delegates to the key safety elements required by all employees working in the oil and gas industry.
It also ensures the knowledge and understanding of these basic safety elements are maintained and current amongst the existing workforce.
Learning outcomes of the IMIST
During the Introductory Safety Training Programme candidates will gain an awareness of the variety of tasks and the safety risks to be found in the oil and gas industry.
They will be required to demonstrate a sufficient level of knowledge and understanding of the following key areas:
MODULULE 1 – Introduction to the hazardous environment
MODULULE 2 – Working safely including safety observation systems
MODULULE 3 – Understanding the risk assessment process
MODULULE 4 – Tasks that require permit to work
MODULULE 5 – Personal responsibility in maintaining asset integrity
MODULULE 6 – Using manual handling techniques every day
MODULULE 7 – Controlling the use of hazardous substances
MODULULE 8 – Knowledge and practices of working at height
MODULULE 9 – Being aware of mechanical lifting activities

IMIST Key Facts
- The Sea Survival School was founded in 2010 as a part of the Regional Air Services and is OPITO certified – starting with 7th of February 2011
- OPITO is a non-profit organization, owned by the offshore industry aiming at rising the competence and safety at work
- All OPITO certificates are placed in VANTAGE system – which all operators can access on-line to check records authenticity
- For more information, please visit the Sea Survival School's website: www.sea-survival.ro